If you’re wondering whether or not direct mail marketing is a good use of your time and money, you’ll be pleased to hear that despite what many out there are saying direct mail is not dead. It has not been killed off by digital. If you need further convincing, here are just a few reasons why you should carry on sending out your Z fold cards by post to your customers and mailing lists.
These days, brands often choose to forget about direct mail – so you have far less competition to worry about! And it’s not just your competition that isn’t sending post out – a lot of different organisations are increasingly keen to go paperless, which means your audience is receiving less post and your PR material will stand out even more as a result.
No email filters
Email marketing is a legitimate and worthwhile ad strategy but people often put spam filters on their inboxes, which means your messages could be filtered out. No need to worry about this with direct mail!
Local sales boost
Another key point to bear in mind when thinking about snail mail is that it’s a really good way to engage with the local community. Include information like your website and social media details, as well as your address, and you could find that people in your area start heading online and even coming into the shop.
And, of course, it can be a lot cheaper to design letters, brochures and more, print out thousands of copies and then send them out. Print ads in magazines and newspapers, radio and TV can all be very expensive and smaller businesses will probably opt out of this route, so direct mail is a great option as an alternative.
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