
‘Irrelevant’ Email Campaigns Result In Ghost Email Accounts

As a brand, you naturally want to reach as many customers as you can as much of the time as possible, but it’s important to remember not to bombard people or you could risk alienating them for good.

New research from the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) has found that 45 per cent of consumers in the UK have ghost email accounts, those that they have abandoned because of being sent far too much unwanted and irrelevant emails, Print Week reports.

Some 68 per cent of those asked said that the majority of marketing emails they received contained no offers or other content of interest to them… so tailoring your emails and making sure they suit your target market clearly seems to be of great importance if you want to boost your conversion rates.

“Both direct mail and email have their advantages. At the moment mail does seem to have an advantage because the doorstep is relatively uncluttered, so mail is more likely to be seen,” Rachel Aldighieri, DMA managing director, said.

This is an excellent point and could well be why direct mail is still surviving even in the face of the advent of the internet. If you want to ensure that your customers do see your marketing missives, sending them in the post seems to be an excellent way to go. So go away and have a think about how you could make your mail shots really stand out when they land on people’s doorsteps.

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