Having a list of people to send your concertina cards and other PR material out to is quite clearly a must for businesses… but it can take years and years to build up a good database of recipients, which is why so many companies make use of a mailing list broker to help them take a shortcut.
But what exactly is a mailing list broker and how could you benefit from hiring one? Quite simply, a list broker is someone who can provide you with list recommendations that have been carefully selected to suit you and your business. The research will be done on your behalf so you won’t have to put any extra time in – and then you simply rent this list from the broker.
It is important to make sure that when using a direct marketing professional of this kind that you receive a good variety of different lists to choose from. If you want to rent ten lists, for example, having a pool of 30 or so to choose from would be wise.
Your list broker should serve as your connection to the very best lists that are available, relevant to your product offerings and your target market. You’ll need to make sure that you’re working with someone reliable – so always request a free sample before signing up to a service.
You’ll also want to check your lists yourself to make sure they’re up to date and have been selected based on your own criteria. You’ll want to know why your mailing hasn’t performed as well as expected if it doesn’t go well – and it could be down to the quality of the lists provided.
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